Blooms are now also being produced by the continuous casting process eliminating the necessity of first producing an ingot. A Home-made Mirror Used at the Second Stage of Labor 钢锭在连续的铸件过程中产生并且在工业纯铁第一步生产过程中是必不可少的.自制产镜应用于第二产程的效果观察
Objective To evaluate the clinical validity of continuous electronic fetal monitoring ( EFM) during the second stage of labor. 目的探讨在分娩第二产程连续胎儿电子监护对新生儿结局的影响。
Analgesic effects were observed and the second stage of labor time and pull the fetal head exposed to the fetal head disengagement time, the situation perineum. 观察两组镇痛效果,第二产程时间、胎头拔露至胎头娩出时间,会阴情况(会阴是否完整、会阴裂伤和会阴侧切)。
The effect of continuous electronic fetal monitoring during the second stage of labor on newborn outcome 第二产程连续胎心监护对新生儿结局的影响
There was no depression of uterine activity during infusion period and second stage of labor. 此后在连续输注及第二产程中无宫缩抑制现象。
A Home-made Mirror Used at the Second Stage of Labor Simulated the Fuzzy Background of Camera Lens by Photoshop CS 自制产镜应用于第二产程的效果观察后期模拟制作相机镜头背景模糊效果
ObjectiveWe investigated the correlations between abnormal fetal rate ( FHR) during the second stage of labor and fetal outcome. 目的探讨第二产程异常胎心监护图形与新生儿结局的关系。
To explore preventive methods of postpartum hemorrhage in the parturient of secondary uterine atomy at the second stage of labor. 目的:预防第二产程出现继发性宫缩乏力的产妇产后大出血。
In the second stage, each hospital should complete reform in its systems of logistics management, properties, and labor employment. 第二阶段各医院完成后勤管理体制、资产制度、劳动用工制度等方面的改革;
A study on effect of pregnant kept in hands holding knees posture during second stage of labor 第二产程采用手抱膝位对分娩效果的研究
Conclusion The incidences of adverse neonatal outcomes increases significantly when the second stage of labor lasts more than 90 minutes. 结论第二产程持续时间>90min,新生儿不良结局发生率增加,故应重视和积极处理第二产程。
Conclusions When the pelvis was normal, fetal macrosomia, abnormal fetal position and abnormal uterine were main causes leading to abnormal second stage of labor. 结论在骨盆正常情况下,新生儿过大、胎方位异常及产力异常是造成第二产程异常的主要原因。
Conclusion: The pathological FHR patterns during the second stage of labor have predictive value for fetal academia and the mixed and metabolic academia have more greatly effect on neonatal outcome than the respiratory one. 结论:第二产程出现异常CTG图形对胎儿酸血症有预测价值,混合性酸血症及代谢性酸血症对新生儿结局影响较大。
The second stage of labor should be shortened. 产时适当缩短第二产程。
Objective To analyze the effect of semi-recumbent positions with bending thigh on delivery during the second stage of labor. 目的探讨半卧曲大腿蹬足体位对产妇分娩第二产程的影响。
Objective To study risk factors for a prolonged second stage of labor and to evaluate the maternal and neonatal outcomes of such pregnancies. 目的研究第二产程延长的危险因素,评价第二产程延长产妇的母儿预后情况。
And compared with natural process of labor, in presence of prolonged labor and prolonged second stage of labor, the incidence rate of neonatal asphyxia rate increased significantly ( P0.01). 滞产、第二产程延长者新生儿窒息率经统计学处理明显高于正常产程与第二产程正常的新生儿窒息率(P0.01)。
Affect of Digital Compression to Dilate Vagina on the Second Stage of Labor 指压扩张阴道法对第二产程的影响
Objective To study the causes and preventive measures of abnormal second stage of labor. 目的探讨引起第二产程异常的原因及防治措施。
Objective: To analyse the difference of normal full-term neonatal umbilical artery lactate levels in the vaginal delivery and the cesarean section, and the correlation between the neonatal umbilical artery lactate levels of vaginal delivery and the lasting time of the second stage of labor. 目的:探讨阴道分娩与剖宫产的足月正常新生儿脐动脉血乳酸值间的差异,及阴道分娩新生儿脐动脉血乳酸值与产妇第二产程时间的相关性。
Influence of carrying out body position management for parturient at second stage of labor 第二产程实施体位管理对分娩效果的影响
There was significant thickening of the anterior and fundal myometrium during the second stage of labor after the fetal head descended to+ 3 station by digital examination ( P < 0.01). 第二产程胎先露下降至棘下3cm时前壁和宫底部肌层较活跃期明显增厚(P<0.01)。